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Campus Assaults

Campus and Fraternity Sexual Assault Victims

Advocacy and Legal Support for Campus and Fraternity Sexual Assault Victims

Sexual assaults on college campuses and within fraternities represent a profound betrayal of trust. These environments, meant to be safe spaces for students, can sometimes harbor dangerous individuals and protect habitual offenders due to institutional failures. At our firm, we stand as unwavering advocates for survivors, providing compassionate support, expert legal guidance, and a steadfast commitment to justice.

Understanding the Depths of the Issue

College campuses are common places where sexual assaults occur. Women in college are three times more likely to suffer a sexual assault than women of other ages. Nearly 27% of college women are survivors of sexual assault. The age and vulnerability of college students, particularly those under 18, place a high burden on institutions to protect them. Unfortunately, schools, police, and fraternities sometimes create a culture of looking the other way or covering up these assaults.

Challenges in Pursuing Campus and Fraternity Sexual Assault Cases

Victims often face significant challenges in seeking justice. Perpetrators may claim consent, turning the case into a “he said, she said” situation. Investigations can focus on the victim’s reputation rather than the perpetrator’s actions, and school officials might seek to dismiss cases to avoid negative publicity. Hiring a sexual assault attorney can help you take an active role in your case, ensuring proper investigation and building a strong case against both the perpetrator and any complicit institutions.

Liability for Campus and Fraternity Sexual Assaults

You can seek justice against the perpetrator through various legal claims, including battery, assault, false imprisonment, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. In civil cases, proving the perpetrator’s intent is often straightforward, despite any consent claims they might make.

Even if you do not attend the college where the assault occurred, you can pursue a claim if the institution failed to act appropriately. This includes assaults in dormitories, parking lots, school buildings, and at off-campus events sponsored by the school. Liability typically arises from the school’s negligence, such as negligent hiring, retention, security, investigation, supervision, or premises liability.

Fraternities and sororities often operate with the school’s approval, even if they are off-campus. If the school knew or should have known about problems within these organizations, they could be held liable. Otherwise, liability might fall solely on the fraternity or sorority for negligent or intentional actions in supervising the house or members.

Damages Recoverable for a Sexual Assault Injury

When your lawyer proves liability, you can recover compensation for both economic and non-economic damages, including medical bills, lost income, diminished earning capacity, physical pain, mental suffering, and diminished quality of life. Additionally, punitive damages might be awarded for egregious behavior, such as institutional cover-ups.

Hiring a Sexual Assault Attorney

Hiring a sexual assault attorney is crucial to navigating the complex legal landscape and ensuring your voice is heard. Our firm provides dedicated and compassionate representation for survivors of campus and fraternity sexual assaults. Here’s why you should choose us:

  • Specialized Expertise: We have extensive experience in handling sexual assault cases, ensuring knowledgeable and sensitive legal support.
  • Proven Results: Our track record includes numerous successful settlements and verdicts, demonstrating our commitment to justice.
  • Client-Centered Approach: We prioritize the needs and well-being of our clients, providing personalized attention and support throughout the legal process.
  • No Upfront Costs: We operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning you don’t pay unless we win your case.
  • Trauma-Informed Team: Our team is trained in trauma-informed practices, creating a safe and supportive environment for survivors.

Common Questions and Answers

Sexual assault in these settings can include any non-consensual sexual act perpetrated by a student, staff member, or fraternity member. This includes rape, attempted rape, unwanted sexual contact, and coercive behavior.

You can pursue criminal charges and civil lawsuits. Criminal charges hold the perpetrator accountable under the law, while civil lawsuits can provide compensation and hold the institution accountable for negligence.

A trauma-informed approach recognizes the impact of trauma on survivors and ensures that legal services are sensitive to their emotional and psychological needs, promoting healing and empowerment.

The legal process involves gathering evidence, filing a lawsuit, and potentially going to trial. Our attorneys guide survivors through each step, ensuring they are informed and supported.

Yes, survivors can often file lawsuits anonymously to protect their identities. Our team will discuss your options and help you understand how to proceed while maintaining your privacy.

Compensation can include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and punitive damages for egregious behavior.

The statute of limitations varies by state and case specifics. It’s essential to consult an attorney promptly to ensure you don’t miss the filing deadline.

Contact Us Today

If you or a loved one has been a victim of campus or fraternity sexual assault, don’t face this alone. Contact us for a free, confidential consultation. Let us help you secure the justice and compensation you deserve. Call us or fill out our online contact form to schedule your consultation today. Our team is ready to provide the legal assistance you need to move forward.