It’s important to pay attention to the possibility of car accident delayed shock symptoms. Any traumatic event can cause all sorts of life-threatening injuries after car accidents. Here’s some information on our top issues to look for delayed shock symptoms after accident:
Car Accident Delayed Shock Symptom 1 – Post-Accident Overview
What happens right after you get into a car accident is extraordinarily important. The minutes, hours, and days after such an event can often have a permanent effect on your life if you aren’t careful. This includes physical shock to your body, of course. It also includes mental shock and mental effects. Other consequences are important as well.
For example, getting help when it comes to cataloging everything so that you get just compensation in the time right after an accident is also important. Having the right kind of car accident attorneys to make sure you get compensation for shock and injuries is going to be important as well.
Car Accident Delayed Shock Symptom 2 – Mental Shock
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition that is common in those that have been through something as traumatic as a car accident. One in three experience it after an accident. You shouldn’t ignore it. The stress can linger for many years if you do.
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If you get checked out, you may need to monitor this as well. It can present up to a year after the event. That’s why it’s important to be vigilant. Those who don’t can suffer from depression, anxiety, and other negative effects. Those with PTSD may re-experience the event of crashing their car many times. They may react emotionally as if the event is happening without even realizing it.
PTSD can be completely debilitating. It can make you want to socialize less. It can make it impossible for you to do your job. In place of your normal mental life will instead be thinking about the accident forever.
The effects can last decades. If you don’t take care of it in the days and months after it occurs, you may never cure it ever.
Even in the case where you don’t even have an injury yourself, you can still experience trauma. Those who simply watched someone else get hurt in an accident have contracted the condition before. That’s why it’s important to check even if you don’t feel like you’re in shock. You often won’t know if you are.
Car Accident Delayed Shock Symptom 3 – Hypovolemic Shock
This is a condition that can happen when you are injured in an accident. The cause is losing a lot of blood or other fluids. The condition is also called “low-volume shock.” It doesn’t get much more serious than this.
Blood pressure maintains your internal temperature. Without enough blood, your internal organs will fail. Symptoms of this condition start with being confused, tired, and breathing fast. Your skin can get cold. You will often have trouble peeing. You will feel weak and your blood pressure might be low.
It can happen a while after the event. Pay attention and get a professional to look you over before going home. If symptoms appear later, call for help immediately.
There are a lot of potential problems that you may not instantly notice like internal bleeding or blood clots. That’s why it’s so important to make sure that you get checked out. It’s the reason you need to notice abdominal pain or anything like that.
Car Accident Delayed Shock Symptom 4 – Spinal Shock
Another kind of delayed shock you can get is a spinal shock. The condition occurs during a spinal injury. It’s common to have it due to a car crash. This is another extremely serious injury. It could come with heart problems, broken vertebrae, sepsis, and other problems.
Car Accident Delayed Shock Symptom 5 – Other Types of Shock
Identifying shock is important because it often indicates a serious long-term problem. It makes it so professionals know what else to look for in people who have it. When it comes to the most serious forms of shock, it can indicate the need for a ride to the hospital immediately.
It’s also important for you to be on the lookout for shock symptoms yourself, however. They can show up after the accident. It can happen anytime.
Pay attention to any change in your mental status. This can also be a symptom. If you suddenly feel agitated, take note. If you can’t sleep, write it down. Restlessness can be a symptom as well.
Beyond anything else, you should at least call 911 after a crash. Tell the professionals who come about any symptoms of shock that you think they might have. Police officers that arrive can make sure that you don’t suffer additional problems while you are in a state of shock, for example.
Neurogenic Shock
In cases where you have a serious neck or head injury, you can suffer trauma to your nervous system. This can make it so your blood doesn’t circulate properly. It creates a combined effect where you can get other types of shock as well.
Septic Shock
If your body is damaged enough, you can get an infection. If the infection becomes bad enough, it can threaten your whole body. This includes your internal organs. Septic shock can also kill you.
Cardiogenic Shock
Damage to your heart can create a situation where you aren’t pumping enough blood everywhere. You end up with too little oxygen. This type of shock can happen from a heart attack. It’s a serious condition and can kill you.
In some rare cases, the materials in an airbag can cause an allergic reaction to people during car accidents. This would be an anaphylactic shock.
Getting Help
After you’ve made sure that you’ve been checked out for any life-threatening injuries after an auto accident, it’s important to regularly check yourself hours or days after the event in case of delayed symptoms. This includes regularly checking in with your doctor.
It also means finding personal injury lawyers once you are safe. We have highly experienced personal injury lawyers who focus on car accidents in Richmond, Virginia Beach, Charleston and Baltimore. Your condition may change at any time. You may need help dealing with the insurance company no matter what. It’s often wise to start thinking about compensation for your injuries as soon as you know about them. The quicker that you receive compensation, the quicker you can be sure that you receive the help you need if you currently can’t afford it.
For more information about how we can help, please don’t hesitate to go ahead and contact us today. The quicker you contact us, the quicker we can get started evaluating your situation and providing the help and advice that you need.
Every situation is different. Time is often sensitive when it comes to these types of cases. Always make sure to see about your health first, but a personal injury lawyer can be an important part of your long-term health. Those who are liable for your accident should pay to help you reverse the effects of it.
Many long term effects of mental and physical conditions can be stopped if they are treated early enough. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to what the symptoms of shock are telling you. It’s also why you need help with your long-term financial future as it relates to your health.
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